About us

Hackney Education is the education directorate for Hackney Council. We provide a range of statutory and traded services to support the education of children, young people and their families in the borough. We are part of the Children and Education group directorate within the Council. We work closely with all types of schools and settings in Hackney, and provide some traded services to schools and settings outside the borough.

Hackney’s performance in its schools and settings has been strong and we have consistently performed well above the national average, placing us in the top quartile when ranked against all local authorities in England.

The Hackney Schools Group Board, formed to play an important role in the strategic direction for Hackney education, provides input to our work and that of schools.

We want to see the Hackney family of schools continue to work together, developing the best possible provision for all our children and young people.

Our mission

Our mission is to improve the life chances of every child, young person and learner in Hackney making Hackney the most forward looking education system in the UK, where schools, settings and partners provide an exciting environment which ensures inclusion and success for everyone. We see our borough as being one of the best places in the country for young people to grow, learn, develop and achieve - and one of the best places for colleagues to work and thrive in our education system.

We will:

  • provide the best possible support for our schools and settings, our children, young people and families;
  • encourage and challenge all Hackney schools and settings, individually and collectively, to develop or sustain exceptional education for all our young people;
  • champion the wellbeing and flourishing of all our Hackney children and young people, driving the shared work of all partners; and
  • promote our values in all aspects of our work.

Continuous improvement

Hackney Education is ambitious to support schools and settings, children and families. To facilitate our ongoing aims and continuous improvement, Hackney Education uses a 3 Year Improvement Plan approach. Our current plan is for 2022-25. 

The plan sets out how we will improve the life chances of every child, young person and learner in Hackney making Hackney the most forward looking education system in the UK, where schools, settings and partners provide an exciting environment which ensures safety, inclusion and success for everyone. We see our borough as being one of the best places in the country for young people to grow, learn, develop and achieve - and one of the best places for colleagues to work and thrive in our education system.

This plan builds on the above mission and also sets out a series of values which define the way we do things in Hackney and identifies 6 areas of strategic focus which aim to drive ongoing service improvement over the next 3 years.

Plans and policies

Selling goods and services to Hackney Education

Financial statements and guidelines


This page was last modified on: 20 Mar 2024